Sunday, November 15, 2009

Marathon and soccer

I took the kids to see the SA marathon today. I had a couple of friends running it and thought it'd be fun. Now, personally... I don't run unless somethings chasing me. In fact, if something was chasing me, I'd probably just give up then to. The kids really had a good time. We ate banana's that were for the runners, drank Gatorade that was for the runners and got some nice swag... that was for the runners. Apparently all you have to do is say you are grabbing one "for your wife".

After that, we went to Britney's soccer game. They were playing the North San Antonio white kids and it was a heated battle. The game took place right around the corner from the middle of nowhere so we had lots of room to play. Seri and I spent this time running around like maniacs till she found a net to hang in and rest for a while.

It was a really good time all together. When we got home Joy's mom decided to watch the wiener kids for us and Joy and I went out to PF Changs for some lettuce tacos. We stopped by Barnes and Nobles to check out the nook. They didn't have a display and the Barnes and Nobles guy was an idiot... so we left. I would think that if you take a job at a book store... and are over the age of 20, that maybe you'd read stuff from time to time. Well, there's B&N guy and he's at the nook kiosk, he's got the nook pamphlets that talk about the nook... and he can't answer shit about it. "How does the 3G interface work for buying books?" "I don't think it has that." "Really, because it's in the pamphlet that you just handed me... and you work in a book store... where people read shit all day. Why don't you grab a Starbucks, go over to that comfy chair next to the loser with the Macbook and learn a little about your job!"

See, there a go again. Expecting an average level of intelligence while living in San Antonio. My mistake. Oh well, we're totally getting a nook. I feel like such a pleb getting excited over a e-reader. It's like an artist getting excited over the latest doodle pad pro... it's just not right.

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