Sunday, March 8, 2009

An Ipod... because I wasn't pissed off at the world enough already!

I picked up an Ipod today. I've been avoiding it for a while and I thought I could just use my phone while at the gym but, I finally caved. These little 1 GB shuffles are nice because you can clip them on and rock out while you're doing just about anything. I got the green one because... that's the one I picked up.

Honestly, the reason I've been avoiding it is because of iTunes. I hate Itunes. It's crap, and you have to put a credit card into it just to use it!! Well, after jerking with it for a couple hours I got by the credit card thing, and then I found this nice little hack that allows me to drag and drop music into it like I would with any other MP3 player.

Even though I tweaked iTunes to do what I want... I swear my explorer processes is slower!! I'll have to mess with it some more. Oh, and I get some wicked cool apple stickers to throw out! Wow, I'm trendy! All in all it's pretty much the best player of this size for your money. I mean, it's loud, it has a great battery life and you get to dance like an idiot with it... like the commercials!

So, now I have no excuse not to go to the gym. I'm going to start going to the base gym again. Last time I went from 230 to 200 before I quit. I'm hoping to get back to that before we go to New York to swim in the crystal brown waters of Lake Erie! (for some reason I thought we were doing Lake Ontario this time) We should be up there in June... it'll be a blast!


The Arnold Family said...

ummm lake erie...and aren't YOU the one that told ME that it wasn't cool to "get married and gain weight." or was it, "don't turn into a fat cow and stop being hot for my brother because he deserves a pretty wife"...yeah that was more like it. thanks for the brotherly advice :)

Benjamin said...

I don't remember that... and it only goes for girls. Guys can get festively plump!