She really enjoyed her cake, and by enjoy I mean rubbed it all over her face. So what do you do after you mush your birthday cake all over your face? Why you sing of course!
I've uploaded some more pictures onto Facebook. Oh yeah, have you heard of Facebook? It's one of the latest social networking sites that my brother has conned me into using. He gives me these empty promises of updates and pictures of his kids and then leaves me alone with a page full of comments from his youth group. The thing that ticks me off about the whole thing is that I've had a site for years with tons of pictures on it. About 6 years ago I built a web server at home out of my Xbox so I could sneak music into work. I was going to use another PC but the Xbox was just sitting there... begging for Linux. Anyway, I've since moved the server to a pretty beefy Terabyte server... which I use to sneak music into work. I work for the gov't and they don't get down with the thumb drives... or MP3 players... or any media for that matter. I can bring in store bought CD's and the day I buy one... I'll bring it in.
Anyway, I gave my whole fam the password for the site and they can see all of our family adventures... which they don't. I know this because I log access... you know, tech wienie stuff. So when my brother tells me of this new site that will allow us to share pictues... well, you get the idea.
All in all it was a good weekend. Joy and I rounded it out by buying some trees for the yard and spending way too much money at Garden Ridge. So everything was going well, and then the Jehovah Witnesses came by. Man, that sounds like the start of a joke or something.
We get a lot of people trying to sell a lot of stuff around my neighborhood. I put up a no soliciting sign but thanks to the awesome education system here in Texas that just means I spend as much time explaining what no soliciting means as I used to spend explaining that I don't need a new whatever it is... even if you're giving a free demo. I think that Jehovah's Witnesses are immune to no soliciting signs anyway. I didn't really have time to chat so I just asked if they believed in intelligent design... (one of them said no and the other said yes) and then I asked if there really is a rhythm or reason to our creation then why do we expel compressed air from our rear ends. Anywhere else and it would go un-noticed... our ears, through pores in our feet, from our belly buttons... but we squeeze it out from these two pressed hams so it sounds like this. Why?
Not my best argument... but it perplexed them long enough for me to close the door. Besides, I just got Halo 3 and I had to check it out. You know... no time for religion when there's vidier gaming to be done!
well...your brother's wife reads your stuff and thinks your a booger for making fun of him! dogwood is your brainchild, we get it. jk miss you guys!
Making fun of him? I'm just stating facts kiddo. Do I have to remind you of the pre-teenage abyss that is Myspace?
I would use it more it that password was..well remember-able-ish. Joe's not that smart- we always need help with it
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