I used the first bottle on everything... and I mean everything. It has this great smokey flavor that can make any food better. The second bottle I tired to covet as long as I can but I eventually ran out. I thought that they're office was in Austin and I kept telling myself that we were going to go up there and get some more. When I finally decided to find some more of that great hot sauce I found out that they make it literally down the street from my house! It's about a 2 minute car drive away!! I got to meet Tom, one of the two guys who make the sauces and try their new salad dressing. He gave me a bottle to test out at home and it's awesome! I'm going to make his Tilapia recipe tonight. I'm also sending some to my brother-in-law who loves hot sauce. Hopefully, he'll like this as much as I do.
We also have most of the Knutson clan here in San Antonio. That meant another trip over to grandma's to rub elbows with the cousins. Of course there's Hayden with the coolest pose in the front of the picture... yes, he does that on purpose.
After that I went with Uncle Ray and the FIL to go see the latest Batman movie. It was really, really good. You could tell that they really set up to have the Joker in the next one... whoops! It sucks too because Heath Ledger did a really good job. It's funny because I read a thing about how many people think that he deserves an Emmy for his performance, so they got a couple of actual Emmy judges who explained how it wasn't the right type of movie for the Emmy's and that they don't consider it Emmy quality. Yep... I guess if the Joker would have slept with a cowboy somewhere in the middle of the film it would have been in the bag. Too bad really.
I'm almost done with this semester in school. I have 90's in both classes, which is a new thing for me. I'm pretty confident that I'm going to sail through the finals but I didn't really learn a whole lot about anything. Oh well, that's college for you!
Hopefully, I'll get farther on my under-the-stairs project. If I do I'll get some pictures.
well grats on your grades- they sound a hell of a lot higher then mine-
btw is that brother-in-law you are sending sauce to joe by any chance...?
heh... no sauce for you!
It's for Andrew... but I'm sure he will share.
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